We thought is was time for Kenzie to have a "big girl" bed, so Justin took the rails off one side of the bed. After wiping my eyes, (yes I sobbed) I started telling her that this was "Kenzie's BIG bed". She thought it was the coolest thing and even hung out in her room for a while after we left. When it came time for bedtime she wasn't to sure about her new bed so she insisted that the only place to go to sleep was "Mommies bed". After telling the Three Bears story 3 times she got up and said "Kenzie's bed" so we went to her room and she crawled into her "big bed" and I pushed the foam close to the edge and kissed her and said goodnight. I was awoken at around midnight to find Kenzie in bed with us! Justin said that when he came upstairs to go to bed he checked in with Kenzie and she had fallen onto the foam and was rolling around in a daze. So the rail went back up!!