Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Of course, Christmas would'nt be Christmas without snow. Seen here "Old Man King", um..I mean "respected father-in-law-who-gives-tools" Doug, removing the days snowfall with help from Jordan (or is he helping her?)

The sign says it all! This cool gift from Jared-Andi-Jordan-Nathan Thanks!

Ah, A gargoyle! You just can't find these anymore. Thanks Doug. Your custom ordered pink flamingos will arrive when you get your yard finished :)

And 'Kenzie's training begins! The Spider-Man ball was one of her favorites

Here's my beautiful girls enjoying the Castlegar winter

Lovin' the snow

After a long days opening presents
Brother-in-law Rob, Sister-in-law "Sting" and baby Mac


Matthew said...

Cute pics guys! I love checking your blog. Mackenzie is adorable, you guys did good!(: Jess
(Jared's sis-in-law)

PS Love your hair Karla

Andi said...

Hey guys! Love the pics, especially the ones in the snow! It was so great to see you guys over the holidays! Karla, hopefully you are back in the swing of things and are getting more sleep! Love you all!
ps. we're going to be emailing all the family pics soon and then you can pick and choose what you want!