We all gathered in Castlegar B.C. to celebrate my parents 40th anniversary. We rented this adorable, fully stocked hall 5 minutes from mom and dad's place and had a party!! It was so fun to reunite with family and friends, eat some amazing food (I helped cook it!!) and dance with our children. Thanks for showing us the love mom and dad!! You're an inspiration to all of us!!! These pictures are in random order. Anyone who blogs knows that it takes awhile to put everything in order. Enjoy!!!
Cutting a rug with my favorite sister!!! Jess put all the music together for our party. She did a fabulous job!!
Guess who put the program together?? My Bros were halarious!!
Dancing with Princess Mackenzie.

My cousin Sarah and her boyfriend, Grady, played with the kids forever!! We sure appreciated it!!

If there's one thing Kenzie loves it's to boogie!!

The newest addition to the family and she's so cute we're gonna keep her!!
My parents colors were red and white. I had to make cupcakes to keep with the theme of things.
This girl loves to cook!!!
My dad surprised everyone and dressed up as "The King"and sang "can't help falling in love with you" to my mom. He gave the performance of his life!!! Some people even thought that he was lip syncing. Jessie helped him with the amazing costume. You could say she Bedazzled her heart out!!! On the back of the cape it said "Bernice is a Babe". You are the KING dad!!!

Who's kidding who!!! These two can out work any one of us!!!
Oh Yah, the MEAT!!!

These are my parents original wedding outfits. Rob and Andi were the only ones who fit them!!!
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