I know this has taken a long time to post, but here it is!! I think the most exciting thing this Christmas was the fact that Mackenzie was more excited than Justin this year. She KNOWS that Santa exsists and was well aware of what she asked for and knew she had been a good girl. The funny thing is that after opening 2 of her stocking presents she was pooped! It took us a couple of hours to help her open her lovely gifts and 20 more hours to clean up!!

Kenzie loved all her gifts and kissed everyone!!

Oh Santa, how did you know!!!

Justin and I picked out our own Christmas PJ'S this year. Who knew he would pick Batman!!!

The only thing that Kenzie asked from Santa was a kitchen. We decided to make it her last present because we knew that she wouldn't open the rest of her gifts. We had it at the side of the couch with a blanket covering it. During her gift opening she kept saying "where's my kitchen" and then we would distract her and give her another present. Finally, after the tree was clear she turned to me in the saddest voice and said "Santa didn't bring me my kitchen". Suddenly Justin said "Kenzie what is that?" She was so surprised and we gave ourselves a huge pat on the back for a job well done!!! HO HO HO!!!!

This is how her mom loves to cook, pantless!!!

She even made breakfast for her new babies.
So kar, can you even imagine life without Kenzie's little kitchen now?? Ours still gets played with every single day. How are you guys??
ok guys...we need some new pics! We miss our little Kenzie!
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