These pictures are actually backwards because we started our trip in Salmon Arm and then Castlegar. It took me way too long to post them, that to switch then all around would have taken another hour and a half. So I'm going to start our adventure backwards. After having an amazing visit with Jared and his family, we went to Castlegar to see mom and dad and attend my aunt and uncles 50th wedding anniversary. Justin and I even got to spend a day in Spokane, minus Mackenzie, and do some fun shopping. We also had time to relax and do some reading, go to movies and visit family and friends. One of my favorite days was going to Syringa and having a weinner roast and then hiking up to Tulip Falls. We got some amazing family pictures on this trip, ones I'll cherish forever!!

We, well I, decided to take the scenic way to Castlegar by going back to Revelstoke and over the ferry to Nakusp and following the Arrow lake to our destination. I made the mistake of NOT turning in Nakusp and ending up at another ferry that would have taken us to Vernon. I stopped at a gas station to find out what I did wrong and when I got back in the van Kenzie said "way to go Columbus!!" Justin is a brillant teacher of the one liners!! So basically I over drove 112 kms. More family time I guess. I still think it was totally worth it!!

One of the main reasons for going to Salmon Arm was to be there to celebrate Jorjgi's 6th birthday! It was so much fun and so great for Kenzie to be with her cousins. We spent the next day at the best waterpark ever right in the down town and then went for lunch at the sweetest and yummiest little taco stand. Later that evening we went for a walk on the warf and enjoyed the cool breeze coming off the lake. The boys one night went out to the movies and Andi and I stayed home to watch a "chick flick". Another night we rented a thriller movie and went on a slurpee run to 7-11. We really appreciated Jared and Andi's hospitallity and can't wait to do it again!!

These are some pics at the waterpark. I really didn't get any shots of the waterpark itself because the kids had too much fun at the park right beside it. We couldn't believe that would rather be hot at the park than cool in the water! Oh well, they had a fabulous time!!

The two hotties or is it Batman and Ironman??

These were some of my favorite pictures of our whole trip!
The only reason they are smiling is because I kept saying "poop". I'll do what ever it takes to get the shot!!

This one is the BEST!!!