Friday, February 19, 2010

Valentine's Day Run

Im currently enrolled in a 10 mile running clinic at The Running Room. We do our "Long-Slow-Distance" run on Sundays and since that it occurs on Valentines Day this year, they had an interesting idea: all persons that were able to show up for the run this day were asked to "wear red if they were taken and in a relationship" or "wear pink if you were looking and available".

Since I dont own too many red clothing items, my "crafty" wife Karla, decorated one of my toques for me! It was a great day for a 10k, and I swear that Im sure the hearts on my hat made me run faster :)

Group picture of all attendees of this past Sunday's run and their V-Day attire. PS: Way to look "manly" guys! Yes, "Pink is the new Black".