Since Justin's been gone Mackenzie has become a huge helper. She is always asking what she can assist me with and has become my go to girl!! Not only is she a great helper, but she always occupies herself in the afternoons so I can have a short nap. The other day, while enjoying an afternoon ciesta, I kept hearing clinking and clanking coming from the kitchen and the fridge opening and closing. Instead of investigating I just layed there and tried to figure out what was going on. 3o mins later she came into my room and told me she had a surprise for me. On my night stand was a glass of water, half a hotdog bun, cheese and breadsticks, a dish of yogart and a can of diet pepsi. It was also decorated with a tiara and a princess dress. After showing me my snack she told me she had another surprise in the kitchen. On the kitchen counter was all the clean dishes from the dishwasher. She managed to unload the entire load and even put 3 dirty dishes in!!! Not only is she such a thoughtful daughter, but she is my best companion!!!!

Kenzie said that she put the tiara and princess dress there so I something pretty to look at!!
That is so awesome! Tell Mackenzie how proud I am of her! Such a bright girl-she gets it from me (just the intelligence though, Im not that motivated lol)
Sweetest thing ever!
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