This is our new baby Sydney!!! We are so lucky to have her in our lives!! Mackenzie has already proven to be the bestest big sister. She showers her with tons of hugs (squeezes) and kisses and is always ready to help in anyway.

Sydney was born on June 17th at 4:26 pm. She was 9lbs and 21 inches long. Her little sweet face was bruised and her eyes a little bloodshot, but my she is a pretty baby!

Since my darling husband couldn't be at the birth, I had my amazing friend Emily with me through the entire delivery. She was great company and just made the whole experience that much better.

It has been so amazing to have my mom here before and after the birth. Not only was she helpful, but it was so nice to have the company.

Kenzie meeting Sydney for the first time!
This was Sydney's first

bath. She did not like it!!
Your Sydney is absolutely adorable. Well done, Kar Kar. Oh, and I think Justin had something to do with it, too.
Hmm, yeah, um, Jared, I dont have curly hair, so I hope I had somthing to do with it lol. Great pics Kar!
Congratulations Karla and Justin! What a beautiful baby! It's so cute to see Mackenzie as a big sister. Jessica Floyd
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