My friend Susan and I took the kids to the Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale Alberta. I can't believe that we have been in Lethbridge for 8 years and live only 10 mins away and have never been there!! It was the funnest and most interesting place I've been to in a long time!!

One of the tour guide girls showed Kenzie how to feed a 2 month old eagle a cut up mouse with a pair of tweezers.

All the birds are teathered to there posts. This beautiful bald eagle was stunning to look at up close!

This eagle was brought in by a lady who found it near death after being shot in both eyes and chest.

Mackenzie and her friend Summer got to hold this adorable little owl.

Sweetest thing ever!!!

I got to hold it too!!

I also got to hold this beautiful owl named "Gordon".

Kenzie is feeding the ducks here. These ducks were CRAZY!!! As soon as you threw the food down they attacked you!! Kenzie and Summer were not keen on that, so Susan and I were left to distribute 10 pounds of duck food while Kenzie and Summer screamed and ran away from greedy duckies!!!

We just heard lots of high pitched squeals!!! It was too funny!!

They preferred to hang on the bars!!

Those darn ducks followed us till they ran into some other suckers that had food!!

This little guy was in the gift shop. I wanted to take him home. Kenzie is Hooing at him. I love that they never look amused!!! After the Birds of Prey Centre we hit Mcdonalds for lunch and the girls played in the playland. Another fun fun day in Southern Alberta!!!
Nice to know of all these fun places when company comes. What a summer you've had. Great pics!
This looks like such a cool place! Maybe we'll have to check it out next time we're there. The owls are beautiful!
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