Every year for Whoop Up Days the fair comes to the exhibition grounds and invades our neighbourhood with loud music and delicious stinky greasy food smells. Instead of avoiding the somewhat "white trash" event we joined in and made it a day to remember!!!

We were lucky to have cousin Jordan come with us and later Amber joined us.

Who can resist a ferris wheel!! On this day, from 1pm to 3pm, you got to get on the rides for 1 ticket, so we had to get in as many rides as we could. This was Kenzie's first ride ever!! She waved to me every rotation shouting "hi mom!!".

I think the Merry-go-Round is the most beautiful ride!! I really thought this would be Kenzie's favorite ride, but I was wrong!

Maybe he'll realize one day that they really don't go anywhere!!

It was the Tilt-a-Whirl!!!!! She giggled and screamed the whole time!! When we got off, I thought I was going to puke and she said "let's go again!". Every night before she goes to bed, I ask her what her most favorite thing that happened to her today was and 3 days after the fair she still says "when I got to go on the Tilt-a-Whirl 2 times!

Amber screamed more than me!!!!!

Her second favorite thing was winning an adorable cow purse at the fish pod game.

A fun rollercoaster ride with Jordie.

Auntie Amber wanted Jordie and Kenzie to get their picture taken with Huge snake!! While they were setting up, Justin took a couple of shots. I love Jord's face in this one!!! Kenzie thought it was awesome and loved the feel of the skin!! YUCK!!!
MEMORIES!!!! What a great day. I can't believe how old she is looking in these pictures. Out Kenzie is a little lady.......Mom
Yay for fairs!! Looks like you guys had an absolute blast! I love the pics Kar, everyone looks just great. Our fall fair is this weekend, can't wait.
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