To celebrate Justin's 39th birthday, we packed a picnic and put on our hikers and headed to Waterton for the day. It really is an amazing place that lets you explore and enjoy nature to it's fullest.

Justin had noticed a little squirel creeping up on Kenzie, so he called out to her to turn around. As soon as she noticed it she totally jumped in surprise and then went chasing after it. It was totally funny!!

We walked by this patch of flowers and noticed about 8 to 10 bees collecting pollen. After being bit by 3 wasps this summer, I didn't get to close!!

A sweet birthday kiss!!!

Tired legs get awesome shoulder rides!!

Justin was on the bridge taking pictures and I took Kenzie down to the river to feel the water. I held her out to feel the cold water and then brought her back to the bank and I turned around to go and she decided it wasn't enough and walked back in waist deep! I grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her out. To close for my liking!!!

Heading back all wet and cold!!!

She still managed to pose for yet another picture.

How can you not get icecream in Waterton. The peanut butter cup is the best!! Notice the change in Kenzie's outfit!! It's good to come prepared!!

This was the best family picture we could get! I asked a family if I could take there picture and in return they could take ours. So I take this great picture of theres and this is what I get!! Justin says "next time we're bringing our tri pod!" Oh well the scenery is lovely!!

We had a nice break at this awesome playground and watched Kenzie meet new friends and make rock pies.

She probably could have sat right between them and they still wouldn't have moved!! These ones definitley wouldn't have kicked her in the face!!! LOL

This doe might have if we got to close to her babies!!

On the way out of the park we noticed a bunch of cars pulled over so we stopped to see what they were looking at. We looked up the hill and saw 2 grizzlie bears. Glad we didn't run into them on our hike, but sure glad we got to see them from a pair of binoculars!!! They were stunning to watch!!! It was a great thing to see at the end of a perfect day!!!
That last pic of you and Kenz is awesome!
I love Waterton, awesome pictures. Kenzie's a little trooper. And I love Justin's hat:)
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